The Main Street Movement
laying The groundwork for revitalization
The National Main Street Center (NMSC) was founded by the National Trust for Historic Preservation in the 1980s as an answer for preventing the steady decline of America's Main Streets. Since then, they have helped over 2,000 communities across the United States bring life back into their downtown districts.
The Mississippi Main Street Association (MMSA) was formed from a series of events that began in the early 80s, resulting in its establishment in 1989. MMSA was created as a more focused effort to provide assistance to Main Street program throughout the state. They are a huge partner of Tupelo Main Street and provide year-round assistance to the program.
The Main Street Four-Point Approach®️ is a comprehensive plan devised by the NMSC that lays the groundwork for all revitalization and rehabilitation efforts. The approach divides a downtown's needs into four categories, as seen above; meeting the needs of all four areas results in transformation.